CARCA Wants to Grow!

It’s great to hear from other people who share our vision and passion, and to hear about what they do help cats act on their deep compassion for humanity and love for cold, wet snow. It’s astonishing that cats don’t just do this on their own, but we’re happy to help them achieve what is obviously nature’s intended purpose for their species.

Very soon we will be providing interested visitors with more information about how to train their cats in avalanche rescue procedures, about CARCA’s validation requirements, and how start a local CARCA chapter. We welcome the input of those already training and using their cats in rescue operations, and we encourage any and all to share their experiences, photos, and videos.

For more information, or to submit your story, photos, and videos, contact us at

We look forward to your submissions!

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Documentary Wins Awards

Since we last reported on the little documentary about CARCA, it has had some success at some film festivals, namely Fernie Film Festival and Golden Film Festival, where it won top prize in the Drama and People’s Choice categories.

Our congratulations go out to the film’s makers, and we here at CARCA are pleased about the attention that this film is bringing to CARCA and the important work we are trying to do.

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