CARCA Subject of Documentary

Documentary film-maker Adam Bailey of Calgary, AB, has decided to document the efforts of CARCA to establish itself and break into the avalanche rescue community.

“I’m a frequent visitor to Fernie (BC), and I heard about these guys – well, one guy, Steve – who was training cats for avalanche rescue. I thought that was kind of interesting, and cats are cool, especially on the internet, so I decided to follow Steve around for a few days and see what happened.”

Adam ended up following Steve and his cats for three weeks, filming many aspects of CARCA’s efforts and struggles. “I have to say, it was pretty amazing,” he says, “and not as weird as I first thought. The guy’s fighting against a lot of resistance, and managing to make strides. We captured some terrific footage, and my hope now is to have this film shed light on the passion behind CARCA and the good work it can do – the lives they can save.”

The film is currently in post-production, and will be premiering at the Fernie Film Festival on Friday, February 25th, in Fernie, BC. We here at CARCA wish Adam all the best.

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